Slugs and snails are probably the most recognized and destructive pests of garden plants. They will eat and damage just about any plant they come across. They attack a wide range of young and tender garden plants, especially annuals, perennials – particularly hosts – and vegetables. Slugs and snails eat and leave irregularly shaped holes in leaves, stems, buds, and flowers, as well as bulbs, corms, and tubers, using their rasping tongues. Voracious feeding activity can reduce young plants to a stump. Most slugs and snails tend to feed at night, although not exclusively, and will feed during the day during wet weather. The tell-tale slime trails may be present, indicating their activity – but not always. Slug and snail damage is most severe during warm, humid weather, especially in spring and autumn.
Snail and slug invasion damage both economical and natural resources. So we Green Victory®, bring in the best and perfect solution to protect plants from slug & snail damage. When the Slugs or snails come in contact with the SnailsOut, this specially formulated Nontoxic powder ceases them to stop feeding then, slugs and snails crawl to their hideout, by the time the effect of SnailOut cause death to the snail. People and pets can enter the area immediately after the product is applied. This product is effective at controlling slugs and snails commonly found around homes, lawns, ornamentals, and fruit & vegetable gardens. This product also offers higher confidence to the users as it remains effective under wet and dry conditions!
Scatter the powder in all places of infestation around plants, trees, lawns, gardens, and where ever the infestation is present. Within 3 to 5 days, you will notice the Crawling insects disappearing.
100% Protection from Slugs * Snails * Earwigs * Cutworms *Sow bugs* Pill bugs.
A single female may lay as many as 1,000 eggs usually, Melon Flies lays eggs under the skin of the host fruit, Generally, found inside young, green, soft-skinned fruits tissues It inserts the eggs 2 to 4 mm deep in the fruit tissues, and the maggots feed inside the fruit. A watery fluid oozes from the puncture, which becomes a slightly brown resinous deposit. Sometimes pseudo-punctures (punctures without eggs) have also been observed on the fruit skin.
While slug and snail controls come in several different forms, guidelines for application are generally the same. These products should be used at the earliest hint of slug and snail damage or to prevent damage where you've had problems before. Most slugs and snails tend to feed at night, although not exclusively, and will feed during the day during wet weather. The tell-tale slime trails may be present, indicating their activity – but not always. Slug and snail damage is most severe during warm, humid weather, especially in spring and autumn.
100% effective controlling techniques for the use around gardens, walkways, turf, etc. where ever the infestation is present. Our product is designed with easy use flip cap, so the customer can easily apply it accordingly. For larger & wider use, you can use a wider split area. For easy & targeted application, a sprinkler side can be used.