In nature, every plant has plant hormones found in the stem and root tips that promote cell division and accelerate root growth. But growing the plant right from the seed seems to be a time-consuming part, and normally for some, it is not a preferred choice. Thus, the choice of propagating plants is considered. Plant propagation is the process in which new plants can grow from old ones. These propagations are applicable in many situations, from home gardening to cloning plants. Different methods are being considered, of which Stem cutting, Leaf cutting, Root cutting are some of the many forms that are widely used. And all these forms mainly focus on the growth of roots that can support the new life of the plant. Most often, the chances of success are low. And so, the importance of rooting hormone grew. After following the adequate technique for propagation, we apply Rooting Hormone before planting.
We Green Victory® made the best form of Rooting Hormone “CAPILAR®”. Our Capilar® is an organic rooting hormone mixture used for the effective stimulation & formation of new rooting after plant cutting. Capilar® is an Organic mixture of Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Molybdenum, Boron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Amino Acids, Protein's, Carbohydrates, Auxin, Cytokinin, Gibberellin's, Humic acid, Fulvic acid and most importantly Chitosan Oligosaccharides blended in a very fine ratio with Talc to provide the best Rooting, Growing and Flowering inducer for all plants and trees at any stage. The composition in Capilar® helps the plants to emerge new roots from the cutting.
Diamondback Moth Lure
Pheromone lure for:
Plutella xylostella
Field viability | 60 days |
Trap used | Insect Water Trap 1.6 L |
No. of traps per acre | 30 traps |
Distance between traps | Uniform distribution |
Shelf life | 1 year from the date of manufacture |
Target crop | Cole crops like Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knolkhol etc. |
Proper propagation always starts with a fresh and clean cut. The cut should be at a 45-degree angle, remove most of the leaves from your cut, and only keep two sets of leaves before beginning the rooting process.
Never dip the cutting directly into the Capilar® container. Dip the cutting into powder and dust off excess powder from the stem and plant the cutting.
Dilute 5 grams in 50 ml water dip the cutting stem about an inch into the diluted Capilar® only for 1 minute and then plant. The Balance solution can be used as a foliar spray. Make sure to keep the stem cutting moist. New leaves appearing, is a favorable sign of new roots.
Dilute 5 grams of Capilar® in 1 Litre of water and spray on all parts of the plants in the late evening or early in the morning. The elements and growth Hormones contained in the Capilar® powder provide all the essential elements for better flowering, fruiting, and disease-resistant capabilities.
Dilute 2 grams of Capilar® in 50 ml water, Soak the Seeds in this solution only for 5 minutes, and then plant the seeds. The elements, Plant growth Hormones, and Chitosan Oligosaccharides contained in the Capilar® powder provide the seeds with better sprouting and resistance against most soil-born fungal and viral diseases.
Capilar® is an organic rooting hormone mixture used for the effective stimulation & formation of new rooting after plant cutting. The composition in Capilar® helps the plants to emerge new roots from the cutting. Farmers & Plant keepers can equally enjoy the product as it is manufactured to meet the requirement. The product comes in different quantity. The extended shelf-life & easiness to use the product make this more convenient & user friendly.
Correct way of using Capilar® powder gives cuttings a faster start, helps them to put out stronger, healthier root growth and development. The effective growth is visible and can be identified by new leaves growth.
Never dip the cutting into the rooting hormone, to avoid contamination to unused powder.